
Delino is a desktop application for couriers to manage delivery tasks. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java and has about 16 kLoC.

Summary of contributions

  • Major enhancement:

    • Added return command (Pull request: #353)

      • What it does: This command allows the user to create a new return order and add it into the Return Order List or convert a delivered order into a return order and add it into the Return Order List.

      • Justification: This feature is a must-have in Delino as it is a delivery management app. It allows the user to convert delivered orders into return orders and even create new return orders from scratch with the given parcel attributes.

      • Highlights: This feature requires a deep understanding of the AddressBook 3 (AB3) codebase and that took quite a bit of time. Two different logic execution paths had to be implemented and the testing of this feature also had to be extensive and exhaustive to ensure that no test cases were missed in the process of testing. The parametized testing functionality provided by JUnit 5 made this process to be much more convenient ( Furthermore, new classes such as ReturnOrder, ReturnCommand, Parcel abstract class also had to be implemented for this feature to be fully functional. Therefore, this feature affects subsequent features to be added due to changes in inheritance of classes.

    • Added delivered command (Pull request: #302 )

      • What it does: Allows the user to mark orders or return orders as delivered.

      • Justification: This is a must-have feature for a delivery management app like Delino. It allows the user to easily mark an order or return order as delivered after delivering the parcel.

      • Highlights: This feature required good understanding of the AB3 codebase and how the entire order list and return order list are edited to display the changes in the GUI. As such, this required a deep level of understanding of how the entire app worked so that the changes can be executed and displayed on the GUI from the start of the command till the end of execution.

    • Added the help command (Pull requests: #310)

      • What it does: It displays a list of all Delino’s commands and llows the user to see the usage of each command in Delino and quickly be able to utilise Delino’s available features.

      • Justification: This command was rather simple to implement but the main problem faced was deciding the right window size for the pop-up help window as different screens have different resolutions and this resulted in some bugs that had to be re-looked at and fixed.

  • Minor enhancement:

    1. Updated Delino’s icon image and link in the Developer Guide (Pull request: #245)

    2. Added Non-functional requirements (NFR) in the Developer Guide (Pull request: #89)

    3. Wrote Must-haves for user stories in Developer Guide (Pull request: #65)

    4. Did the first mock-up for Delino’s UI using Adobe XD (Pull request: #85)

  • Code contributed: [Functional code & Test code]

  • Other contributions:

    • Project management:

      1. In charge of team facilitation, code integration and UI design.

      2. Set up Codacy with Jeremy to improve code quality of Delino’s repository. (Pull request: #61)

      3. Ensure that project deliverables are completed on time.

    • Enhancements to existing features:

      • Adapted the given Address Book UI into Delino’s first draft UI. (Pull request: #85)

    • Documentation:

      • Updated Developer Guide to include Delivered Command (Pull request: #253)

      • Updated Developer Guide to include Return Command (Pull request: )

      • Updated Developer Guide to include Help Command (Pull request: )

    • Community:

    • Tools:

      • Set up Codacy and updated its badge to link to our repository together with Jeremy (Pull request: #61)

Contributions to the User Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the User Guide. They showcase my ability to write documentation targeting end-users.


This user guide provides in-depth documentation on the Delino desktop application: quick start guide, features, FAQ, command summary, and glossary.

Delino is for couriers who prefer to use a desktop app for managing their delivery tasks. It is optimised for those who have a strong preference towards Command Line Interface (CLI) while still enjoying the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). Sounds interesting? Have a quick look at our tutorial [Quick Start] to get started. Have a delightful journey using Delino!

Showing the Help message - help [Done by - Cher Wei Jie]

  • In this section, you will learn more about the help command and how to use it.
    Why would you want to use the help command? You can use this help command to see a summary of all available features of Delino.

How to use the Help command?

Here is how you can use the help command to show a summary of all available commands in Delino.

Step 1 : Type in the keyword help.
Step 2 : Press Enter on your keyboard to see the magic!

What constitutes a valid Help command?

The syntax for a valid help command can be seen below!

  • help

Table 1. Possible Combinations of Help command
Scenario Command Result

If you want to view all the available commands in Delino.


A pop-up window will be shown that includes a summary to briefly explain all the commands that Delino offers.

Returning an order : return [Done by - Cher Wei Jie]

  • In this section, you will learn more about the return command and how to use it.
    Why would you want to use the return command? You can use this return command to create a new return order to be added into the return order list.

How to use the Return command?

Return orders inserted are sorted by their delivery date and time.

Here is how you can convert an order into a return order or create a new return order by following the steps below:

Step 1 : Type in the keyword return.
Step 2a : If you would like to convert an existing order into a return order, provide the TRANSACTION_ID and the RETURN_DATE_AND_TIME to the order to be converted.
Step 2b: If you would like to create a new return order in the return order list, provide the TRANSACTION_ID CUSTOMER_NAME ADDRESS PHONE_NUMBER RETURN_DATE_AND_TIME WAREHOUSE_LOCATION EMAIL [COMMENTS_BY_CUSTOMER] [TYPE_OF_ITEM] of the parcel.
Step 3 : Press Enter on your keyboard to see the magic!

  • Please include a whitespace in between the keyword & transaction id or keyword & the attributes aforementioned.
    i.e. return tid/123abcd rts/2020-05-05 1500
    return tid/A999999 n/John Doe p/98765432 a/311 Clementi Ave 2 #02-25 S120363 e/ rts/2020-05-05 1500 w/5 Toh Guan Rd E #02-30 S608831 c/NIL type/glass

What constitutes a valid Return command?

The syntax for a valid return command can be seen below!

  • The TRANSACTION_ID refers to the transaction id of a parcel.

  • The CUSTOMER_NAME refers to the name of the recipient of the parcel.

  • The ADDRESS refers to the location which the return should be picked up from. It must have a postal code.

  • The WAREHOUSE_LOCATION refers to the location which the return should be delivered to.

  • The PHONE_NUMBER refers to the phone number of the customer.

  • The RETURN_TIMESTAMP refers to the return date and time of the parcel. This field cannot be earlier than the current date and time. Also, it cannot be before the delivery time stamp of the order to be converted.

  • The COMMENTS_BY_CUSTOMER is an optional attribute which can be included if the customer has special requests.

  • The TYPE_OF_ITEM is an optional attribute which can be included if the item requires special attention. For example, it can be used when the item is fragile.

These are the possible combinations of the return command:

Table 2. Possible Combinations of Return command
Scenario Command Result

If you want to convert the order with Transaction Id abc1234 into a return order and display it on returns list.

return tid/abc1234 rts/2020-05-05 1600

This order will be removed from the order list and be added into the returns list as a return order with the updated return time stamp.

If you want to create a new return order in the return order list.

return tid/123abcd n/weijie a/311 Clementi Ave 2 #02-25 S120363 p/92123412 w/5 Toh Guan Rd E #02-30 S608831 rts/2020-05-05 1600

A return order with the input attributes will be created into the return order list.

  • The TRANSACTION_ID given belongs to the return order that will be created.

  • The RETURN_TIMESTAMP has to be before the delivery time stamp of the order.

  • A return order will be created after executing this return command.

  • If the parcel is an existing order, it will be removed from the order list and converted into a return order and added into the return order list.

  • If the parcel is a new return order, it will be created and added into the return order list.

  • All return orders will not have the CASH_ON_DELIVERY attribute as the item was already delivered and the money already was collected upon delivery.

  • The conversion of an order into a return order can only be done if the order was already delivered.

  • The TRANSACTION_ID is alphanumeric, e.g: 123asd, 1234567, abcdef.

  • The CUSTOMER_NAME must consist of only alphabets.

  • The ADDRESS is alphanumeric.

  • The CUSTOMER_PHONE must be numeric

  • The WAREHOUSE_LOCATION is alphanumeric

  • The RETURN_TIMESTAMP must follow the yyyy-mm-dd format must not be earlier than the current date and time

  • The COMMENTS_BY_CUSTOMER is alphanumeric

  • The TYPE_OF_ITEM must consist of only alphabets (No numbers or special characters allowed).

  • The resulting created return order will not have the CASH_ON_DELIVERY field as the money was already collected.

Delivering an order or return order : delivered [Done by - Cher Wei Jie]

In this section, you will learn more about the delivered command and how to use it.
Why would you want to use the delivered command? If you have delivered an order or return order, you can mark it as delivered with the delivered command.

How to use the Delivered command

This section will explain the steps needed to use the delivered command.

Here is how you can mark the details of any order or return order by following the steps below:

Step 1 : Type in the keyword delivered
Step 2 : Provide the FLAG corresponding to the parcel order type you want to mark as delivered
Step 3 : Provide the INDEX of the parcel displayed on the screen that you wish to mark as delivered
Step 4 : Press Enter on your keyboard to see the magic!

  • Please include a whitespace in between the keyword, command flag and index. i.e. delivered -o 1

  • If you can’t see any orders use the list command to view existing parcel! If nothing is showing up, it means you got to insert or return some parcel and start doing work!

What constitutes a valid Delivered command

The syntax for a valid delivered command can be seen below!

  • delivered FLAG INDEX

These are the possible combinations of the delivered command:

Table 3. Possible Combinations of Delivered command
Scenario Command Result

If you want to mark the first return order displayed on returns list as delivered.

delivered -r 1

The delivery status of the first return order displayed on the returns list will be changed to "Returned to Warehouse"

If you want to mark the second order displayed on the orders list.

delivered -o 2

The delivery status of the second order in the order list will be changed to "Delivered".

  • The INDEX given is the parcel you will be marking as delivered.

  • The parcel will be marked as delivered after executing this delivered command.

  • If the parcel is an order, its delivery status will be changed from "Not Delivered" to "Delivered".

  • If the parcel is a return order, its delivery status will be changed from "Not returned to warehouse" to "Returned to warehouse".

  • The INDEX must be a positive integer, e.g: 1, 2, 3, …​

  • The INDEX must be in range of the number of displayed orders.

  • Only can be used when there is at least an order or return order displayed.

  • The FLAG can only be either -o or -r.

Figure 1. Graphical User Interface (GUI) of Delino

Product Information

Are you still using pen and papers or Excel to keep track of all your orders?

With Delino, you can be rest assured that it will help you to keep track of a large number of orders in the most efficient way possible. Are you interested in improving your parcel delivery management? Read further to discover the features of Delino!

Contributions to the Developer Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the Developer Guide. They showcase my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to the project.


This whole section on Delino’s Design Model can be found at here. This link is provided in the event if some of the cross links are not working, as they refer to documents done by another team member.

Model component

Figure 2. Structure of the Model Component


The Model,

  • stores a UserPref object that represents the user’s preferences.

  • stores the Order Book and Return Order Book data.

  • exposes two unmodifiable lists, the ObservableList<ReturnOrder> and ObservableList<Order> that can be 'observed'.
    e.g. The UI can be bound to this list so that the UI automatically updates when the data in the list change.

  • does not depend on any of the other three components.

An Order class consists of ten different fields as shown in the image. Every order is part of a UniqueOrderList and every UniqueOrderList is part of an OrderBook.
Similarly, a ReturnOrder class consists of nine different fields as shown in the image. Every return order is part of a UniqueReturnOrderList and every UniqueReturnOrderList is part of a ReturnOrderBook.


This whole section on the Return feature can be found at here. This link is provided in the event if some of the cross links are not working, as they refer to documents done by another team member.

Return Feature

In this section, the functionality of the return feature, the expected execution path, the structure of the ReturnCommand class and the interactions between objects with the ReturnCommand object will be discussed.

What is the Return Feature

The return feature allows the user to either:
1. Create a new return order from his/her input parcel attributes.
2. Convert an existing delivered order to a return order.

The return feature was implemented as a ReturnCommand in the Logic package.

The return command has two possible formats:

  1. return TRANSACTION_ID RETURN_TIMESTAMP If the user provides a valid TRANSACTION_ID and RETURN_TIMESTAMP in his input, the order with the given TRANSACTION_ID will be converted into a return order with the same attributes but with the updated RETURN_TIMESTAMP. The created return order will be added into the return order list.

  2. return TRANSACTION_ID NAME ADDRESS PHONE_NUMBER EMAIL RETURN_TIMESTAMP WAREHOUSE_LOCATION [COMMENTS] [ITEM_TYPE] If the user provides these compulsory parcel attributes, a return order with the given parcel attributes will be created and added to the return order list.

  1. All return orders do not have the CASH_ON_DELIVERY parcel attribute.

  2. The TRANSACTION_ID is alphanumeric, which determines the TRANSACTION_ID of the resulting return order.

  3. The NAME consists of alphabets and determines the NAME of the resulting return order.

  4. The ADDRESS is alphanumeric and determines the ADDRESS of the resulting return order.

  5. The PHONE_NUMBER consists of only numbers and determines the PHONE_NUMBER of the resulting return order.

  6. The EMAIL is alphanumeric and determines the EMAIL of the resulting return order.

  7. The RETURN_TIMESTAMP should include the date in YYYY-MM-DD format and time in 24-hour format with a whitespace in between the date and time.

  8. The WAREHOUSE_LOCATION is alphanumeric and it determines the WAREHOUSE_LOCATION of the resulting return order.

  9. The [COMMENTS] is an optional alphanumeric field and determines the [COMMENTS] of the resulting return order.

  10. The [ITEM_TYPE] is an optional alphabetic field and determines the [ITEM_TYPE] of the resulting return order.

Execution paths of Return command

In this section, you will learn more about the execution paths for the return command.

Figure 3. Return Command Activity Diagram

There are three possible execution paths for the return command

  1. User provides an invalid return command input
    This will result in a parse exception and an error message will be displayed to the user.

  2. User provides a valid return command input with a valid TRANSACTION_ID and RETURN_TIMESTAMP, i.e.
    If the order with the given TRANSACTION_ID is delivered, it will be converted to an existing order with the given TRANSACTION_ID into a return order with the updated RETURN_TIMESTAMP.
    This return order will then be added into the return order list.

  3. User provides a valid return command input with all compulsory parcel attributes, i.e.
    If the given TRANSACTION_ID does not exist as an order or return order, this will create a new return order based on the given parcel attributes and the resulting return order will be added to the return order list.
    If the given return TRANSACTION_ID already exists as an order or return order, an error message will be displayed to the user that an order or return order already exists in the order list or return order list respectively.

  4. User provides a valid return command input with an invalid TRANSACTION_ID
    This will result in a parse exception and an error message will be displayed to the user.

  5. User provides a valid return command but one or more of the compulsory parcel attributes is/are invalid. This will result in a parse exception and an error message will be displayed to the user.

Structure of Return Command


The above class diagram shows the structure of the ReturnCommand and its associated classes and interfaces. Some methods and fields are not included because they are not extensively utilised in ReturnCommand; such as public static fields and getter/setter methods.

Interactions between objects when Return Command is executed

The sequence diagrams for the Return Command are shown below.

The sequence diagram for converting an order into a return order are shown below.

ReturnSequenceDiagram1 a
Figure 4. Return Command Sequence Diagram
ReturnSequenceDiagram2 a
Figure 5. Execution of Return Command to convert a delivered Order into a Return Order

The arguments typed into Delino by the user will first be done by the execute method in LogicManager. After which, an DelinoParser object will be created to parse the input which is determined by the command word via the parseCommand method. In this case, it is the return command word that will be parsed.

Then, a ReturnCommandParser object will be created to parse the arguments after removing the command word return from the user’s input. Based on the command word return, a ReturnCommand object will be created.

Subsequently, the parseCommand method in LogicManager will continue to create a CommandResult based on the validity of the user’s input; which is determined by the execute method in ReturnCommand.

The execute method of ReturnCommand will first check if the return order in the constructor of ReturnCommand is present. In this case, since we are converting an order into a return order, the return order will not be present in the constructor of ReturnCommand and the isReturnOrderNotPresent() method will return true.

If the given TRANSACTION_ID exists in the order list, the getOrderByTransactionId(model) method will attempt to create a new Order object from the model’s Order list based on the given transaction ID, i.e. orderToBeReturned.

The checkIfOrderWasDelivered(model) method checks if the newly created Order is delivered. If the order was not delivered, it will throw a command exception and display an error message to the user.

If the order was delivered, Delino will proceed to check if the timestamp input was valid. If it was invalid, an exception will be thrown and an error message will be displayed to the user.

If the order was delivered and the timestamp input was valid, the deleteOrder(orderToBeReturned) method will be triggered to delete the order from the model’s order list. Also, a new return order will be created based on the ReturnOrder’s constructor that takes in an Order, i.e. ReturnOrder(orderToBeReturned). This creates a new Return Order object, toBeCreated.

Subsequently, this newly created ReturnOrder object toBeCreated, will be checked against the model’s return order list using the hasParcel(toBeCreated) method. If it exists, a command exception will be thrown and an error message will be displayed to the user.

If the ReturnOrder does not exist in the model’s return order list, the newly created ReturnOrder object, toBeCreated, will be added to the model’s return order list using the addReturnOrder(toBeCreated) method.

Finally, a new CommandResult will be created to display the success message to the user for converting a delivered order to a return order.

The sequence diagram for creating a new return order are shown below.

ReturnSequenceDiagram1 b
Figure 6. Return Command Sequence Diagram
ReturnSequenceDiagram2 b
Figure 7. Execution of Return Command to create a new Return Order

The arguments typed into Delino by the user will first be done by the execute method in LogicManager. After which, an DelinoParser object will be created to parse the input which is determined by the command word via the parseCommand method. In this case, it is the return command word that will be parsed.

Then, a ReturnCommandParser object will be created to parse the arguments after removing the command word return from the user’s input. Based on the command word return, a ReturnCommand object will be created.

Subsequently, the parseCommand method in LogicManager will continue to create a CommandResult based on the validity of the user’s input; which is determined by the execute method in ReturnCommand.

The execute method of ReturnCommand will first check if the return order in the constructor of ReturnCommand is present. In this case, since we are creating a new return order from the given parcel attributes, a return order will be created and it will be used in the constructor of ReturnCommand and the isReturnOrderNotPresent() method will return false.

Also, a new return order will be created based on the ReturnOrder's constructor that takes in an Order, i.e. ReturnOrder(orderToBeReturned). This creates a new ReturnOrder object, toBeCreated.

Subsequently, this newly created ReturnOrder object toBeCreated, will be checked against the model’s return order list using the hasParcel(toBeCreated) method. If it exists, a command exception will be thrown and an error message will be displayed to the user.

If the ReturnOrder does not exist in the model’s return order list, the newly created ReturnOrder object, toBeCreated, will be added to the model’s return order list using the addReturnOrder(toBeCreated) method.

Finally, a new CommandResult will be created to display the success message to the user for creating a new return order with the given parcel attributes. This whole section on the Help feature can be found at here. This link is provided in the event if some of the cross links are not working, as they refer to documents done by another team member.

Help Feature

In this section, the functionality of the help feature, the expected execution path, the structure of the HelpCommand class and the interactions between objects with the HelpCommand object will be discussed.

What is the Help Feature

The help feature was implemented as the HelpCommand in the logic package.
The help feature allows users to save the trouble of adding the delivery orders and the return orders one by one when they have large amount of delivery orders or return orders to add into Delino.

Execution paths of the Help command

The execution path of the HelpCommand is shown below:

Figure 8. Help Command Activity Diagram

After the user enters the help command word, there will be a validation check to ensure that there are no non-whitespace characters following after the help command word so that the help command can be processed as a valid command.

If there are non-whitespace characters following help command word, a ParseException object will be created and thrown to the user by displaying an error message.

If there are no non-whitespace characters following the help command word, a new HelpCommand object will be created and a CommandResult object will be created subsequently to display the success message to the user.

Structure of Help Command

The following diagram shows the overview structure of the HelpCommand Class Diagram:

Figure 9. Help Command Class Diagram

The above class diagram shows the structure of the HelpCommand and its associated classes and interfaces. Some methods and fields are not included because they are not extensively utilised in HelpCommand; such as public static fields and getter/setter methods.

Interactions between objects when Help Command is executed

The sequence diagrams for the help command are shown below.

Figure 10. Help Command Sequence Diagram

The arguments typed into Delino by the user will first be done by the execute method in LogicManager. After which, an DelinoParser object will be created to parse the input which is determined by the command word via the parseCommand method. In this case, it is the return command word that will be parsed.

Then, a HelpCommandParser object will be created to parse the arguments after removing the command word help from the user’s input. Based on the command word help, a HelpCommand object will be created. The parse() method in HelpCommand will check the validity of the user’s input to see if there are any non-whitespace characters following the help command word.

Subsequently, the parseCommand method in LogicManager will continue to create a CommandResult based on the validity of the user’s input.

If the user input is invalid, i.e. there are non-whitespace characters after the help command word, a ParseException object will be created in the parse method in HelpCommandParser and an error message will be displayed to the user.

If the user input is valid, i.e. there are no non-whitespace characters after the help command word, the parse method of HelpCommandParser will return a new HelpCommand.

Then, a new CommandResult will be created based on the user input. This will then display the success message to the user. This whole section on the Delivered feature can be found at here. This link is provided in the event if some of the cross links are not working, as they refer to documents done by another team member.

Delivered Feature

In this section, the functionality of the delivered feature, the expected execution path, the structure of the DeliveredCommand class and the interactions between objects with the DeliveredCommand will be discussed.

What is the Delivered feature

The delivered function allows the user to mark orders or return orders as delivered after delivering an order or a return order.

The delivered feature was implemented as the DeliveredCommand in the logic package.
The delivered function requires a valid FLAG and a valid INDEX.
i.e. delivered INDEX FLAG

The FLAG can either be '-o' or '-r', which indicates which list (order list or return order list respectively) to mark the parcel from. The FLAG is only valid when either '-o' and '-r' is used. All other inputs will be regarded as invalid.

The INDEX is a positive integer that determines which order or return order to be marked as delivered. The INDEX is only valid if it is a positive integer and if it is not bigger than the size of the order list or return order list, depending on the FLAGthat is provided. For instance, if the '-o' FLAG is provided, the INDEX should not be greater than the size of the order list.

Execution Paths of Delivered Command

Figure 11. Activity Diagram of the Delivered Command

The above activity diagram shows the logic behind the DeliveredCommand which is determined in the DeliveredCommandParser class when the user inputs the command word delivered to activate the delivered feature.

Structure of Delivered Command


The above class diagram shows the structure of the DeliveredCommand and its associated classes and interfaces. Some methods and fields are not included because they are not extensively utilised in DeliveredCommand; such as public static fields and getter/setter methods.

Interactions between Delivered command and its associated objects

The sequence diagrams for the delivered command are shown below.

Figure 12. Delivered Command Sequence Diagram
Figure 13. Execution of Delivered Command

The arguments typed into Delino by the user will first be done by the execute method in LogicManager. After which, an DelinoParser object will be created to parse the input which is determined by the command word via the parseCommand method. In this case, it is the delivered command word that will be parsed.

Then, a DeliveredCommandParser object will be created to parse the arguments after removing the command word delivered from the user’s input. Based on the command word delivered, a DeliveredCommand object will be created.

Subsequently, the parseCommand method in LogicManager will continue to create a CommandResult based on the validity of the user’s input; which is determined by the execute method in DeliveredCommand.

The execute method of DeliveredCommand will first check if a valid FLAG is present in the user’s input. If the FLAG is not valid, a CommandException will be thrown to the user to tell him/her that their input was invalid and tell them the format which their input should follow.

If a valid FLAG is present, this will trigger the processDeliveryOfOrder method in DeliveredCommand which will check if a valid INDEX is present in the user’s input.

If the INDEX is not valid, processDeliveryOfOrder method will throw a CommandException to the user; telling him/her that their input was invalid and the format that their input should follow. i.e. delivered FLAG INDEX

If both FLAG and INDEX are valid, an Order or ReturnOrder object will be created based on the FLAG. The INDEX will determine which order or return order to take from the order list or return order list respectively using the appropriate getter method. The Order or ReturnOrder object will be checked to see if it was delivered using the checkIfOrderWasDelivered(model) method.

If the Order or ReturnOrder was already delivered, this will call the updateOrderList(model) or updatedReturnOrderList(model) method respectively in DeliveredCommand and a new instance of CommandResult will be created to tell the user that the order or return order was delivered.

If the Order or ReturnOrder was not delivered, this will call the deliverAndUpdateOrderList(model) or deliverAndUpdateReturnOrderList(model) respectively in DeliveredCommand. In these methods, the particular Order or ReturnOrder will be retrieved from the model using the getFilteredOrderList() or getFilteredReturnOrderList() method. Based on the retrieved Order or ReturnOrder, a new Order or ReturnOrder with the delivered delivery status will be instantiated using the createDeliveredOrder or createDeliveredReturnOrder methods respectively.

Then, the setOrder or setReturnOrder method will be called to replace the original Order or ReturnOrder object respectively in model. The deliverOrder or deliverReturnOrder method will be called to to set the delivery status of the object to delivered. Then, the updateFilteredOrderList() method or updateFilteredReturnOrderList() method to update the list in the model.

Based on the new updates, a new CommandResult object will be instantiated to print the message success to the user.

Use Cases

This whole section on use cases for Help can be found here. This link is provided in the event if some of the cross links are not working, as they refer to documents done by another team member.

Use case: UC08 - Request for help


  1. User requests to list all commands in Delino

  2. Delino opens a new window after execution of the help command.

  3. Delino display the list of commands and a button to provide user a link to Delino’s User Guide

    Use case ends.


  • 1a. Delino detects invalid syntax.

    • 1a1. Delino shows an error message to tell user the right way to use the help command.

      Use case ends.

  • 1b. Delino detects additional non-whitespace characters after the command word, help.

    • 1b1. Delino shows an error message to tell user the right way to use the help command.

      Use case ends.

This whole section on use cases for Return can be found here. This link is provided in the event if some of the cross links are not working, as they refer to documents done by another team member.

Use case: UC11 - Returning an order


  1. User wants to return an order or create a new return order.

  2. User requests to return an order or create a new return order.

  3. Either an order will be converted to a return order or a new return order will be created

  4. Delino displays the updated return order list with the new return order.

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. Delino detects invalid syntax from user input.

    • 2a1. Delino shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 2b. Delino detects invalid parcel attributes.

    • 2b1. Delino shows an error message to the user.

      Use case ends.

  • 2c. Delino detects invalid TRANSACTION_ID, i.e. order with the given TRANSACTION_ID does not exist.

    • 2c1. Delino shows an error message to the user.

      Use case ends.

  • 2d. Delino detects invalid RETURN_TIMESTAMP, i.e. order with the given RETURN_TIMESTAMP is bfeore the delivery time stamp of the order.

    • 2d1. Delino shows an error message to the user.

      Use case ends.

  • 2e. Delino detects missing parcel attributes.

    • 2e1. Delino shows an error message to the user.

      Use case ends.

This whole section on use cases for Delivered can be found at here. This link is provided in the event if some of the cross links are not working, as they refer to documents done by another team member.

Use case: UC04 - Mark order or return order as delivered


  1. User wants to mark an order or return order as delivered.

  2. User request to mark order or return order as delivered.

  3. Delino changes the delivery status of the specified order or return order to delivered.

  4. Delino will display an updated order list or return order list.

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. Delino detects invalid syntax from user input.

    • 2a1. Delino shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 2b. Delino unable to detect any parcel with the INDEX provided.

    • 2b1. Delino shows error message to the user.

      Use case ends.

  • 2c. Delino unable to detect valid INDEX provided.

    • 2c1. Delino shows error message to the user.

      Use case ends.

  • 2d. Delino unable to detect valid FLAG provided.

    • 2d1. Delino shows error message to the user.

      Use case ends.


This whole section on command prefixes can be found at here. This link is provided in the event if some of the cross links are not working, as they refer to documents done by another team member.

Table 4. Command Prefix
Prefix Meaning Used in the following Command(s)


Order Type



Transaction ID

Edit, Import, Insert, Return, Search


Customer Name

Edit, Import, Insert, Return, Search



Edit, Import, Insert, Return, Search


Phone Number

Edit, Import, Insert, Return, Search



Import, Insert, Edit, Return, Search


Delivery Date And Time

Edit, Import, Insert, Return, Search


Return Date and Time

Import, Return, Search


Warehouse Location

Edit, Import, Insert, Return, Search


Cash On Delivery

Edit, Insert, Search


Comments by Customer

Edit, Import, Insert, Return, Search


Type of Item

Edit, Import, Insert, Return, Search

This whole section on command flags can be found at here. This link is provided in the event if some of the cross links are not working, as they refer to documents done by another team member.

Table 5. Possible Command Flags
Flag Meaning Used in the following Command(s)


Force clear, no user confirmation will be requested



Order flag, Operation on order list

Clear, Delete, Delivered, Edit, Nearby, Search


Return Order flag, Operation on return order list

Clear, Delete, Delivered, Edit, Nearby, Search

Appendix G: Instructions for Manual Testing

This whole section on the delivered feature’s instructions for manual testing can be found at here. This link is provided in the event if some of the cross links are not working, as they refer to documents done by another team member. === Mark parcel as delivered

  1. Mark a parcel’s delivery status as delivered based on its INDEX and FLAG whenever the parcel has been delivered.

    1. Delivered command format: delivered FLAG INDEX

    2. Prerequisite: Ensure that your order list or return order list has at least one order.

    3. Test case: delivered -o 1
      Expected: The first order in the currently displayed order list will be marked as delivered

    4. Test case: delivered -r 2
      Expected: The second return order in the currently displayed return order list will be marked as delivered

    5. Test case: Invalid syntax
      Expected: No parcel is marked as delivered. The error message will be displayed on the error response box describing the error

This whole section on the return feature’s instructions for manual testing can be found at here. This link is provided in the event if some of the cross links are not working, as they refer to documents done by another team member. === Returning an order

  1. Convert a delivered order into a return order or create a new return order


    2. Test case: return tid/9876543210 n/John Doe a/Blk 572 Hougang st 51 #10-33 S530572 p/98766789 e/ rts/2020-05-20 1300 w/Yishun
      Expected: Creates a new return order with the above details and adds it into the return order list. This will be displayed on the GUI

    3. Test case: return tid/1023456789 n/Amos Cheong a/Blk 572 Hougang st 51 #11-37 S530572 p/90010019 e/ rts/2020-05-10 1650 w/Marsiling c/Leave it at the riser type/glass
      Expected: Creates a new return order with the above details, including type and comments and adds it into the return order list. This will be displayed on the GUI

    4. Test case: return tid/1023456789 rts/2020-05-12 1300
      Expected: Checks if an order with the given Transaction ID exists. If it exists and it was delivered, check if the given return time stamp is after the delivery time stamp. If it is both delivered and the return time stamp is after the delivery time stamp, the order will be converted into a return order and added into the return order list.

    5. Test case: Invalid Syntax
      Expected: No return order is added. Error details shown in the response message. A help message displayed for user to use the return command accordingly.

    6. Test case: Return order with invalid Transaction ID in order list
      Expected: An error will occur and a message will be displayed, stating that order with the given Transaction ID cannot be found in the order list.

    7. Test case: Return order with invalid return time stamp
      Expected: An error will occur and a message will be displayed, stating that the return time stamp is not valid.

    8. Test case: Return order with missing parcel attributes
      Expected: An error will occur and a message will be displayed, indicating the right message usage of the return feature.

    9. Test case: Order to be converted was not delivered
      Expected: An error will occur and a message will be displayed, indicating that the order was not delivered and cannot be returned.

This whole section on the help feature’s instructions for manual testing can be found at here. This link is provided in the event if some of the cross links are not working, as they refer to documents done by another team member. === Help

  1. Display a list of available commands to user

    1. Test case: help
      Expected: A list of commands will be displayed in a new pop-up window and the response box will indicate a successful command.

    2. Test case: Invalid syntax
      Expected: An error will occur and the response box will show an error message