
Delino is a desktop delivery application for couriers to manage delivery tasks. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 16 kLoC

Summary of contributions

Given below are the summary of the contributions I have made for this project.

  • Major enhancement:

    • Added import command (Pull request #215)

      • What it does: Allows the user to add multiple orders and return orders via a CSV file.

      • Justification: This is an essential update, which allows the user to save time from adding multiple orders and return order one by one.

      • Highlights: This enhancement depends heavily on InsertCommandParser and ReturnCommandParser to process the data retrieve from the data. Considerations have to be made to differentiate the data for Order and ReturnOrder, as they have different attributes in their models.

    • Add return order book for storage (Pull request #186)

      • What it does: Stores return orders in json file.

      • Justification: The storage of return orders is important, as the return orders are required to be separate from orders and store as a separate json file in the hard disk from the orders.

      • Highlights: Considerations are to be made for how to store and retrieve the return order data from the json file which is stored in hard disk.

    • Modify the clear command (Pull requests #180, #218)

      • What it does: Gives the user to clear either both order lists or only one of them.

      • Justification: This is an essential update, which prevent the user from having the trouble clearing the orders or return orders one by one.

      • Highlights: Considerations are to be made for the clearing either one of the list or both order list and return order list, as clearing the wrong list, the data in that list would be lost permanently.

  • Minor enhancement:

    • Add timestamp field into the model(Pull requests #175, #198)

      • What it does: Allows orders and return orders to keep track of the delivery date and time.

      • Justification: This is an essential update, which allows user to input timestamp for the order and return order.

    • Add comment field into the model(Pull request #172)

      • What it does: Allows orders and return orders to store customer comment.

      • Justification: This is an essential update, which allows the courier to be able to take note about the customer’s request for that delivery.

  • Code contributed: [Functional code & Test code]

  • Other contributions:

    • Project management:

      • Co-team lead of the project, in charge of defining, assigning, and tracking project tasks. Furthermore, ensure project deliverables are done on time and in the right format.

    • Documentation:

      • Updated the product website’s heading and navigation bar. (Pull request #119)

      • Edited various parts of the User Guide (Pull requests #173, #226)

      • Added use cases and updated the Storage and Implementation part of the Developer Guide for saving, import and clear features (Pull requests #186, #197, #218)

    • Community:

      • PRs reviewed (with non-trivial review comments): (Pull requests #126, #139, #174, #189)

      • Reported bugs and suggestions for other teams in the class: (Examples: PE dry run issue)

      • Contributed to forum discussion by asking help question: (Example: #104)

    • Tools:

      • Integrated a new Github plugin (AppVeyor) to the team repo (#37b0cd1)

Contributions to the User Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the User Guide. They showcase my ability to write documentation targeting end-users.

Clearing all entries : clear [Done by - Eng Xuan En]

In this section, you will be able to find out how to use the clear command and the possible combinations of the clear command.

If you wish to delete huge amount of orders and return orders from Delino, the clear command will provide you the means to do so.

How to use the Clear command

Here is how you can clear the order list and return order list by following the steps below:

Step 1 : Type in the keyword clear.
Step 2 (Optional) : Provides the -f flag if you confirm that you would like to force clear both order list and return order list.
Step 3 (Optional) : Provides the -o or -r flag if you only want to clear either order list or return order list respectively.
Step 4 : Press Enter on your keyboard to send the instruction to Delino.

  • A space is required in between the command and flags. Refer to the examples below for more information.

  • If no -o or -r flag is given, it will be treated as both. Both order list and return order list will be cleared.

  • Flags can be in any order such that clear -f -o and clear -o -f indicate to force clear the order list.

  • If an -f flag is given, no user confirmation will be requested.

What constitutes a valid Clear command

In this section, you will learn about the syntax for a valid clear command and the possible combinations of the command.

The syntax for a valid clear command can be seen below:

  • clear is the command word for the clear feature

  • FLAG could be either -f, -r and -o; whereby -f flag indicate force clear and
    -r and -o indicates the return order list and order list respectively.

These are the possible combinations of the clear command:

Table 1. Possible Combinations of Clear command
Scenario Command Result

If you want to have a confirmation notice before clearing both lists.


Pop-up will appear and ask the user for confirmation to clear both order list and return order list.

If you don’t want to get prompt before clearing both lists.

clear -f

Both order list and return order list will be cleared immediately.

If you want to have a confirmation notice before clearing return order list.

clear -r

Pop-up will appear and ask the user for confirmation to clear the return order list.

If you don’t want to get prompt before clearing return order list.

clear -f -r

Only return order list is cleared immediately.

If you want to have a confirmation notice before clearing order list.

clear -o

Pop-up will appear and ask the user for confirmation to clear the order list.

If you don’t want to get prompt before clearing order list.

clear -o -f

Only order list is cleared immediately.

Importing a list of orders : import [Done by - Eng Xuan En]

In this section, you will be able to find out how to use the import command and the possible combination of the import command.

If you wish to add huge amount of orders and return orders to Delino, the import command will provide you the means to do so.

How to use Import command

Here is how you can import the orders and return orders into Delino by following the steps below:

Step 1 : Type in the keyword import.
Step 2 : Provide the CSV file name that you would like to import with the .csv extension behind.
Step 3 : Press Enter on your keyboard to send the instruction to Delino.

What constitutes a valid Import command

In this section, you will learn about the syntax of a valid import command, the format for both orders and return orders in the CSV file and the possible combination for the import command.

The syntax for a valid import command can be seen below:

  • import FILE_NAME
    import is the command and FILE_NAME is the file name that is required to import with the .csv extension behind.

  • Only CSV file could be imported.

  • Only one CSV file can be imported at one time.

  • The FILE_NAME should include the extension. For example: orders.csv.

  • The folder, data, which the CSV files are stored in, should be in the same directory as the JAR file.

  • CSV file should be saved only as CSV (Comma delimited), as shown in the figure below:

Figure 1. CSV File Save Type

The data in the CSV file should be written in the following format:

  • Order data format:


Figure 2. Order data format in CSV file
  • Return order data format:


Figure 3. Return order data format in CSV file
  • Commas , are required in between the different fields.

  • Prefixes are required before any value for that field.

  • ORDER_TYPE can only be either order or return.

  • Only COMMENTS_BY_CUSTOMER and TYPE_OF_ITEM are optional.

  • ORDER_TYPE denote the start of an delivery order or return order.

  • If there are 2 or more ORDER_TYPE within a single CSV row, it will be treated as 2 or more orders.

  • The last value of the same type will be stored if duplicate prefix type is found in a single order sentence.

  • Duplicate and invalid order or return order will not be imported into Delino.

  • You could download a sample CSV file in our release under assets to start with.

There is only one possible combination for the import Command:

Table 2. Possible combination of Import command
Scenario Command Result

If you want to import all of the orders and return orders at once via a CSV file.

import orders.csv

Import the contents of the CSV file, orders.csv, to Delino.

Command Summary

In this section, you can find out more about the commands supported by Delino (their respective format and example).

If you would like to know more about a specific command, you can view more information by clicking the provided link in the table below.

Table 3. Command Summary
Command Format Example



insert tid/0123456789 n/Eng Xuan En a/Tampines St 84 Blk 877 S520877 #01-123 p/87654321 e/ dts/2020-02-20 1300 w/Yishun industry cod/$4.50 c/please knock the door three times :D type/heavy


clear [FLAG]

clear -f
clear -r
clear -f -r
clear -o
clear -o -f



delete -o 2


delivered FLAG INDEX

delivered -r 2
delivered -o 1



edit -r 2 n/Xuan En
edit -o 2 p/99994444
edit -o 1 a/Blk 123 Pasir Ris Street 51 #12-21 S510123
edit -r 3 n/Mr Tan p/99994567 a/Blk 141 Yishun st 71 #09-09 S760141






search -r tid/ac1e345x7s
search -r Jeremy Loh
search -o tid/asj2od3943
search -r p/92039999
search -o p/92039999 tid/asj2od3943 n/jeremy






show 2020-01-01 2020-12-31

show all

show all

show today

show today

show DATE

show 2020-03-20


import FILE_NAME

import orders.csv



list done
list undone



return tid/ac17s2a n/BOBBY TAN a/123 Delta Road #03-333, Singapore S169814 p/91230456 rts/2020-12-12 1301 w/Jurong Warehouse c/NIL type/glass
return tid/ac17s2a

return tid/b1230512 n/Aaron Teo a/256 Delta Road #03-222, Singapore S169256 p/91230456 e/ rts/2020-12-12 1400 w/Jurong Warehouse c/Leave it at the lobby type/metal


return tid/ac17s2a rts/2020-12-12 1301


nearby [FLAG] AREA

nearby east
nearby -o 14
nearby -r north

Command Prefix

Table 4. Command Prefix
Prefix Order Attributes Used in the following Command(s)


Order Type



Transaction ID

Edit, Insert, Return, Search, Import


Customer Name

Edit, Insert, Return, Search, Import



Edit, Insert, Return, Search, Import


Phone Number

Edit, Insert, Return, Search, Import



Edit, Insert, Return, Search, Import


Delivery Date And Time

Edit, Insert, Return, Search, Import


Return Date and Time

Return, Search, Import


Warehouse Location

Edit, Insert, Return, Search, Import


Cash On Delivery

Edit, Insert, Search, Import


Comments by Customer

Edit, Insert, Return, Search, Import


Type of Item

Edit, Insert, Return, Search, Import

Command Flags

Table 5. Possible Command Flags
Flag Meaning Used in the following Command(s)


Force clear, no user confirmation will be requested



Order flag, Operation on order list

Clear, Delete, Delivered, Edit, Nearby, Search


Return Order flag, Operation on return order list

Clear, Delete, Delivered, Edit, Nearby, Search

Contributions to the Developer Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the Developer Guide. They showcase my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to the project.

Storage component

Figure 4. Structure of the Storage Component


The Storage component,

  • can save UserPref objects in json format and read it back.

  • can save both OrderBook and ReturnOrderBook data in json format and read it back.

Clear feature

In this section, the functionality of the clear feature, the expected execution path, the structure of the ClearCommand class and the interactions between objects with the ClearCommand object will be discussed.

What is the Clear feature

The clear feature was implemented as a ClearCommand in the logic package.
The clear feature allows the user to remove the orders and return orders by input one command line.

Execution paths of Clear Command

The execution path of the clear command is shown below:

Figure 5. Clear Class Activity Diagram

After user enter the clear command, the ClearCommandParser will run the following two checks:

  • Check if flag in the arguments do not belong to one of the three valid flags: -f, -r and -o

  • Check if both -r and -o flags found in the arguments

If either one of the conditions occurs, exception will be thrown and the error message will be display to the user. Afterward, the new ClearCommand object will be executed.

During the execution of the clear command:

  • If -f flag is found in flags, the respective orders will be cleared and display a success message to the user.

  • If there are no -f flag found in flags, a pop up will appeared with the confirmation message. User would be required to press either one of the following two buttons:

    • Yes button - The respective orders will be cleared and display successful clear message to the user.

    • No button - Pop up closed and end of activity.

Structure of Clear Command

The following diagrams shows the overview of the clear command Class Diagram:

Figure 6. Clear Command Class Diagram

In the ClearCommand class, there are also some static messages for the different input command the user has key in:

    clear: Clear either both order list and return order list or one of them.
    Parameters: -o/-r/-f
    Example: clear -o -f

    Inform the user that order list has been cleared successfully.

    Inform the user that return order list has been cleared successfully.

    Inform the user that both order lists have been cleared successfully.

    Confirmation message to the user if the user want to clear order list.

    Confirmation message to the user if the user want to clear return order list.

    Confirmation message to the user if the user want to clear both order lists.

Interactions between objects when Clear Command is executed

In this section, the interactions between objects when clear command is executed will be display in the Clear Command Sequence Diagram below:

Figure 7. Clear Command Sequence Diagram

The above sequence diagram illustrate how the clear Command is being processed when the user inputs clear -f to force clear all of the orders and return orders without any prompt.

After the user input. the arguments passed to the clear command will be parsed by the ClearCommandParser class
If the given arguments are valid, a new ClearCommand object will be returned.

In ClearCommandParser, there will be two validation checks:
1. Ensure the flag is one of the three flags: -f, -o and -r
2. Ensure the arguments do not have both -o and -r flags.

After the two validation checks, the flag will be added into HashSet, flags which will then passed to the new ClearCommand object created by ClearCommandParser and it is being returned to the LogicManager. The LogicManager will start to run the execute the clear command, which will be shown in details in below diagram:

Figure 8. Execution of Clear Command Sequence Diagram

After LogicManager call the ClearCommand#execute(model), the clear command will update the model by pass a new OrderBook object and a new ReturnOrderBook object to Model. The Model will then update its own orderBook and returnOrderBook. In addition, the clear command will pass back a new CommandResult object with the success message in it to the LogicManager at the end of the execution.

Import feature

In this section, the functionality of the import feature, the expected execution path, the structure of the ImportCommand class and the interactions between objects with the ImportCommand object will be discussed.

What is the Import feature

The import feature was implemented as the ImportCommand in the logic package.
The import feature allows users to save the trouble of adding the delivery orders and the return orders one by one when they have large amount of delivery orders or return orders to add into Delino.

Execution paths of Import Command

The execution path of the ImportCommand is shown below:

Figure 9. Import Command Activity Diagram

After the user enter the import command, there are three validation check for the file based on the input argument, FILE_NAME:

  • Check if the input argument has the .csv file extension at the back:

    • If Yes, continue with the next validation check.

    • If No, display error message to the user.

  • Check if the filePath is valid:

    • If Yes, continue with the next validation check.

    • If No, display error message to the user.

  • Check if the file able to read:

    • If Yes, retrieve the data from the CSV file and process the data.

    • If No, display the error message to the user.

Afterward, a new ImportCommand will be created and executed. For every data inside the list, either order or return order will be added into the order book and return order book respectively based on the orderType value. If the orderType is invalid, add the data into the result, which will be displayed to the user after processing.

Structure of Import Command

The following diagram shows the overview structure of the ImportCommand Class Diagram:

Figure 10. Import Command Class Diagram

In the ImportCommand Class, there are also a few static message to display to the user for the various scenarios occurred during the importing of data from the CSV file:

    import: Import the data in .csv file into Delino
    Parameters: fileName.csv
    Example: import orders.csv

    Invalid order type encountered.

    Duplicate order encountered.

    Duplicate return order encountered.

    The csv file is not found in the data folder.

    Failed to process the data.
    This could be due to invalid order type encountered or invalid data input for the attributes in order and return order.

Interactions between objects when Import Command is executed

In this section, the interactions between the objects when ImportCommand is executed will be shown in the Import Command Sequence Diagram below:

Figure 11. Import Command Sequence Diagram

The arguments passed to the import command will be parsed by the ImportCommandParser class.
Then, the ImportCommandParser will called the ParseUtil#parseCsvFile() to get the filePath based on the input the user provides. Afterward, CsvProcessor will be called to retrieve the data from the csv file and return the processed fileData back to ParseUtil. The fileData will be further pass to ImportCommandParser and to the constructor of ImportCommand.

CsvProcessor is a helper class that helps to retrieve the data from the csv file and process the data before giving to ImportCommand.

Afterward, the ImportCommand object is being returned to the LogicManager and the LogicManager will start to run the execute the ImportCommand, which will be shown at the diagram below.

Figure 12. Execution of Import Command Sequence Diagram

The ImportCommand#execute() will first check if the data given starts with order or return and pass to the InsertCommandParser or ReturnCommandParser respectively.

Afterwards, InsertCommandParser or ReturnCommandParser will return a new InsertCommand or ReturnCommand respectively if it successfully parse the data. The ImportCommand will then call the InsertCommand#execute() or ReturnCommand#execute() depend whether it is delivery order or return order. This will cause a delivery order or return order being added into the Model.

The ImportCommand will call its own printResult() function and return a String message to the CommandResult object which is then pass back to the LogicManager.

Use Cases

Use case: UC02 - Clear all orders


  1. User wants to clear all orders.

  2. User requests to clear all orders.

  3. Delino clear all existing orders.

  4. Delino displays order cleared message.

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. Delino detects invalid syntax from user input.

    • 2a1. Delino shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 2b. Delino detects no flag -f.

    • 2b1. Delino trigger pop-up message.

      • 2b2a. User select yes button.

        • 2b2a1. Return to step 2.

      • 2b2b. User select no button.

        • 2b2b1. Use case ends.

  • 2c. Delino detects no orders.

    • 2c1. Delino shows no order to be cleared message.

      Use case ends.

Use case: UC09 - Importing order details


  1. User wants to import a specific orders from an external csv file.

  2. User requests to import orders from an external csv file.

  3. Delino checks for file existence.

  4. Delino imports all orders from the external csv file.

  5. Delino displays all orders imported.

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. Delino detects invalid syntax from user input.

    • 2a1. Delino shows an error message.

      Use case ends.

  • 3a. Delino detects invalid file path.

    • 3a1. Delino shows the invalid file path error message

      Use case ends.

  • 4a. Delino is unable to open the file.

    • 4a1. Delino shows permission denied error message.

      Use case ends.


Table 6. Command Prefix
Prefix Meaning Used in the following Command(s)


Order Type



Transaction ID

Edit, Import, Insert, Return, Search


Customer Name

Edit, Import, Insert, Return, Search



Edit, Import, Insert, Return, Search


Phone Number

Edit, Import, Insert, Return, Search



Import, Insert, Edit, Return, Search


Delivery Date And Time

Edit, Import, Insert, Return, Search


Return Date and Time

Import, Return, Search


Warehouse Location

Edit, Import, Insert, Return, Search


Cash On Delivery

Edit, Insert, Search


Comments by Customer

Edit, Import, Insert, Return, Search


Type of Item

Edit, Import, Insert, Return, Search

Table 7. Possible Command Flags
Flag Meaning Used in the following Command(s)


Force clear, no user confirmation will be requested



Order flag, Operation on order list

Clear, Delete, Delivered, Edit, Nearby, Search


Return Order flag, Operation on return order list

Clear, Delete, Delivered, Edit, Nearby, Search

Clear orders

  1. Clear all orders while all orders are listed

    1. Clear command format: clear [FLAG]

    2. Test case: clear
      Expected: Confirmation message will display in status message.

      1. If Yes button is pressed, the both order and return order lists will be cleared. Notify the user that both order lists have been cleared in the status message.

      2. If No button is pressed, no order list is cleared.

    3. Test case: clear -f
      Expected: Both order list and return order list will be cleared. Notify the user that both order lists have been cleared in the status message.

    4. Test case: clear -f -r
      Expected: Only return order list will be cleared. Notify the user that return order list has been cleared in the status message.

    5. Test case: clear -r -r -f
      Expected: Only return order list will be cleared. Notify the user that return order list has been cleared in the status message.

    6. Test case: clear -r -o
      Expected: Invalid command input, as both -r and -o cannot be in a single command.
      Error details shown in the response message. A help message displayed for the user to type the correct command. Status bar remains unchanged

    7. Test case: clear -r-f
      Expected: Invalid command input, as space is required in between flags.
      Error details shown in the response message. A help message displayed for the user to type the correct command. Status bar remains unchanged

Import orders

  1. Import a new list of orders from a .csv file given by the company

    1. Import command format: import NAME_OF_FILE.csv

    2. Prerequisites : The import file must be a .csv file and the csv file should be inside data folder which is the same directory as the JAR file. Otherwise, it will cause the app to raise an exception and print the error message. Should not import a file that is non-existent

    3. Test case: import customers_20_02_2020.csv
      Expected: In the response box, a message will appear to indicate that the import is successful. At the same time, the contents of the .csv file will be shown to the user in the form of a list of orders